Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Ain't It Fun?"

Life is tough you guys. T-O-U-G-H.

I think that sometimes we are so eager to grow up and we have this idea of what the “real world” is going to be- you know, the one without curfews and chores. The independence and sense of freedom that we all anxiously await seems so sweet. I admit I am a culprit of this. Moving away for college seemed like the ultimate sign of freedom, that is until it actually happened. I don’t want to seem melodramatic, but it is a big change that took me a while to get accustomed to.  The same goes for graduating college! Change is scary and reality more often than not turns out differently from what you imagined, but that's okay.

For Millennials, there is this notion that we expect things to happen magically. I for one, do not agree. Do I think our generation is composed of dreamers? Yes. We have grown up in a world filled with positive reinforcement. Scenarios which include questions like "What do you want to be when you grow up? What are you passionate about?" and statements like "Do what makes you happy". Millennials, like myself, have  been encouraged to do what they feel and that has led to individuals challenging themselves to find their place in the world.     

This is what Paramore’s new song “Ain’t it Fun” embraces (in my humble opinion). Paramore’s “Aint it Fun” definitely hits home. It could actually be the Millennial’s anthem and I can totally relate. When you go through multiple changes all at once life can get a little intimidating; you might be moving out of the home you lived in all your life to be on your own, your circle of friends may be getting smaller, you might be starting college or a new job. Whatever the situation, new experiences can always feel overwhelming because they’re new.

The truth is life is too short to constantly worry. Things change because they help you grow. I've learned to think positive and embrace what life has in store for me. It's definitely easier said than done! But it's possible.  Let’s just all take a deep breath and go with the flow.